Source code for lidar.filtering

"""Module for applying filters to image.

import os
import pkg_resources
import richdem as rd
from scipy import ndimage
import numpy as np
import time

[docs]def np2rdarray(in_array, no_data, projection, geotransform): """Converts an numpy array to rdarray. Args: in_array (np.array): The input numpy array. no_data (float): The no_data value of the array. projection (str): The projection of the image. geotransform (str): The geotransform of the image. Returns: object: The richDEM array. """ out_array = rd.rdarray(in_array, no_data=no_data) out_array.projection = projection out_array.geotransform = geotransform return out_array
[docs]def MeanFilter(in_dem, kernel_size=3, out_file=None): """Applies a mean filter to an image. Args: in_dem (str): File path to the input image. kernel_size (int, optional): The size of the moving window. Defaults to 3. out_file (str, optional): File path to the output image. Defaults to None. Returns: np.array: The numpy array containing the filtered image. """ print("Mean filtering ...") start_time = time.time() dem = rd.LoadGDAL(in_dem) no_data = dem.no_data projection = dem.projection geotransform = dem.geotransform weights = np.full((kernel_size, kernel_size), 1.0 / (kernel_size * kernel_size)) mean = ndimage.filters.convolve(dem, weights) mean = np2rdarray(mean, no_data, projection, geotransform) print("Run time: {:.4f} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) if out_file is not None: print("Saving dem ...") rd.SaveGDAL(out_file, mean) return out_file return mean
[docs]def MedianFilter(in_dem, kernel_size=3, out_file=None): """Applies a median filter to an image. Args: in_dem (str): File path to the input image. kernel_size (int, optional): The size of the moving window. Defaults to 3. out_file (str, optional): File path to the output image. Defaults to None. Returns: np.array: The numpy array containing the filtered image. """ print("Median filtering ...") start_time = time.time() dem = rd.LoadGDAL(in_dem) no_data = dem.no_data projection = dem.projection geotransform = dem.geotransform med = ndimage.median_filter(dem, size=kernel_size) med = np2rdarray(med, no_data, projection, geotransform) print("Run time: {:.4f} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) if out_file is not None: print("Saving dem ...") rd.SaveGDAL(out_file, med) return out_file return med
[docs]def GaussianFilter(in_dem, sigma=1, out_file=None): """Applies a Gaussian filter to an image. Args: in_dem (str): File path to the input image. sigma (int, optional): Standard deviation. Defaults to 1. out_file (str, optional): File path to the output image. Defaults to None. Returns: np.array: The numpy array containing the filtered image. """ print("Gaussian filtering ...") start_time = time.time() dem = rd.LoadGDAL(in_dem) no_data = dem.no_data projection = dem.projection geotransform = dem.geotransform gau = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dem, sigma=sigma) gau = np2rdarray(gau, no_data, projection, geotransform) print("Run time: {:.4f} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) if out_file is not None: print("Saving dem ...") rd.SaveGDAL(out_file, gau) return out_file return gau